“Rev. Charles E. Bronson, D.D. A Well Known Swarthmorean Dies after Long Illness” (1 – AD and RS)
“Hedgerow to Celebrate 7th Anniversary Sunday Evening” (1 – AC)
Photo: “These Beauty Spots Must Be Protected” with caption “Shaded walks such as these can be encouraged and protected by cooperation with the Regional Planning Federation” (1 – GN and RP)
“Are You Interested in Roses?” (1 & 8 – GN and WO) – Arthur Warner of Baltimore’s Rose Society was scheduled to speak on “Roses Yesterday and Today” at the Woman’s Club.
“Story Hour at Woman’s Club Today” (1 – CE and WO) – Mrs. Helen Hall was due to continue reading Albert Payson Terhune’s “Lad” to the “older boys and girls”; other readings would be for two groups of younger children.
“Regional Planning Head to Speak at Meeting Here Next Thursday” (1 – CO and RP) – Colonel Samuel P. Wetherill, Jr., president of the Regional Planning Federation, was to speak at a meeting held at the Strath Haven Inn and sponsored by the Swarthmore Business and Civil Association.
Photo courtesy of Livingston Pub. Co.: “Col. Samuel P. Wetherill, Jr., who will address Regional Planning meeting next Thursday evening” (1 – CO and RP)
“The Library Needs Some Furniture” (1 & 8 – BB)
Inset: “Frederick Libby to Speak Sunday Evening” (1 – PO, QS, and RS) – Libby, “executive secretary of the National Council for Prevention of War,” was scheduled to speak on “The Kellogg Pact and the Hoover Administration” at Whittier House, and earlier that day at a meeting of the Adult Bible Class in the Meeting House.
“The Annual Spring Concert. Women’s Club Chorus Brings 22nd Season to a Close with Concert at Clubhouse” (1 – AC, CW, IR, and WO) – The Woman’s Club house [sic] was “filled to capacity” for this concert. “The work of the chorus for this year was also brought to a close yesterday when the most popular numbers were sung at the Home for Incurables in Philadelphia.” Nelson Eddy and flutist William Kincaid served as guest artists. “As an encore [Eddy] sang, by request, the ‘Volga Boatmen,’ in Russian. This was rendered with such feeling and accuracy that he carried his bearers with him to far off Russia.”
“Social and Personal” (2 – SL)
Ad for Hannum & Waite’s Goodyear tires (2 – BS and QA) – Drawing of a conversation between a beleaguered-looking man using a hand pump for a tire and a flapper wearing a very short skirt and stockings that started above her knees. “Boy Friend – This sure is tough on the back. Girl Friend – Guys with weak backs ought to use their heads – and buy Goodyears.”
“U. of P. Women Give Tea for Faculty Club” (3 – SC and WO) – “On Friday, April 12, a tea was given by the University of Pennsylvania faculty women of Swarthmore at the house of Mrs. Arthur C. Howland, Guernsey road, for the Womens’ [sic] Faculty club of Swarthmore College.” Some 22 women, all identified by their husbands’ names were from Penn; some 30 women, all but three who had “Miss” in front of their name, identified similarly, were from Swarthmore.
“Arrange Program of Negro Music May 4” (3 – AC, RR, and WO) – “On Saturday evening, May 4, the Lincoln University Glee club consisting of thirty members is to give an evening of Negro music at the Woman’s Club House, under the auspices of the Woman’s International League for Peace and Freedom. The program will be similar to the one given recently at Princeton University and will include Folk Songs, Spirituals, and selections by Negro composers such as Nathaniel Dett21 and others.”
“Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary” (3 – SL) – Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Wood of 621 N. Chester Road had “nearly one hundred of their friends of Swarthmore” for a golden wedding anniversary luncheon.
Inset: “Regional Planning Mass Meeting” (3 – CO, DC, and RP) – announcement about speakers Colonel Samuel P. Wetherill, Jr. and Albert R. Granger of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce at the Strath Haven Inn on April 25
“Inaugural Luncheon of Woman’s Club” (4 – QS, SU, and WO) – After the luncheon and meeting, the Swarthmore Woman’s Club watched Dr. and Mrs. Harry G. Timbres, along with “a Lithuanian musician, who was formerly in the Russian Army” present “Russian and Polish folk dances, stories and songs” in “native costumes”. The Timbres “did Friends’ Relief Work in Russia in 192122 and Dr. Timbres told of the rehabilitation work which is going on in Russia at the present time.”
“Christian Science Churches”23 (4 – RS) – announcement for the April 21st sermon “Swarthmoreans Attend Woman’s Club Institute” (4 – WO) – in Ridley Park
“Benefit for Scholarship” (4 – AC and SC) – tickets on sale by the Swarthmore College Alumnae for “The Houseboat on the Styx” to fund scholarships
“Church News” (4 – RS)
“School News of the Week – College, High, Prep, Mary Lyon, P. M. C.” (5) – page heading
“College Nine Scores Two More Victories” (5 – SC and SS) – baseball “Tennis Club Elects Officers for 1929” (5 – SS)
“Prep School Notes by Mark Wilcox Jr.” (5 – CE)
“College Campus Comment” (5 – HA and SC) – “Considerable excitement was caused and faint cheers were almost raised at the Tuesday Collection when President Adylotte [sic] spoke on studying and examinations. ‘Prexy’ stated almost as his keynote that undergraduates should not study for examinations.24 This view temporarily made him far more popular than ever before, and he was about to be accepted as a convert to the oldest and most widely accepted of the undergraduate opinions – but he soon fell from the pedestal” when he “suggested that studying be done now so that the process would no be necessary later.” Using the same ironic tone, the author continued to report on other college business, including how “there was a meeting of the Men’s Stupid Government Association last Tuesday night.”
“P. M. C. Polo Season to Open Tomorrow” (5 – CE and SS) “College Stickmen Lose to Yale” (5 – SC and SS)
“Robert Frost at College Monday” (6 – AC and SC) “Gerald H. Effing Heads Rotary Club” (6 – CO) “News Notes” (6 – SL)
“Classified” (7)
“Local People Hear Science Lecture” (7 – AE and RS) – John J. Finn from Evanston, Illinois spoke at the Media Theatre on “Christian Science: the All-Sufficiency of God.”
“Estate Notices” (7)
“Peace Authority to Speak Sunday” (8 – AE and QS) – on Frederick Libby’s upcoming visit
“Last Meeting of Fortnightly Monday” (8 – WO)
“All-Day Meeting of Women’s Association” (8 – RS and WO) – Woman’s [sic]
Association of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church “Second Performance of ‘Pickles’ Tonight” (8 – AC)
21 According to a post by Carolyn Bennett on the Library of Congress website accessed in August 2020, R. Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943), born in Canada and of African descent, “was one of the earliest composers to arrange African-American folk melodies in new, creative settings.”
22 The United States directed humanitarian aid to the USSR during a terrible postwar famine in 1921-1922.
23 These items have appeared in all The Swarthmoreans I have catalogued to date; this is the first time I am adding it to this list.
24 Italics in original