Vol. I, No. 24, June 21, 1929

“Public Playground Definitely Assured – First Meeting on Grade Crossing Elimination – Plan for 4th of July – Tennis Tourney Starts” (1 – BB and SS) – headline “Meeting Gives New Impetus to Elimination of Grade Crossing. Informal Conference of Parties Interested Highly Successful. Plan Second Meeting within Thirty Days” (1 & 8 – BB, … Continue reading Vol. I, No. 24, June 21, 1929

Vol. I, No. 17, May 3, 1929

“More About Real Estate. Some Observations, Hints and Precautions Concerning Swarthmore Real Estate by William Eastburn Witham, Vice-President, Wm. H. Wilson Co.” (1 & 10 – CV and RE) – Witham described how Swarthmore grew and by 1900 became “an honest-to-goodness suburb” whose “land values were still quite low, because building lots were plentiful – … Continue reading Vol. I, No. 17, May 3, 1929

Vol. I, No. 16, April 26, 1929

“Swarthmore Musicians Give Benefit Program” by J. Russell Hayes (1 – AC and CW) – “Three of Swarthmore’s resident musicians, Mr. and Mrs. Donato Colafemina and Miss Mildred Spencer, gave a recital in the Masonic Temple, Chester, April 18, for the benefit of the Chester Hospital.” “Worthy of Eggs, Etc.” (1 – AC) – An … Continue reading Vol. I, No. 16, April 26, 1929

Vol. I, no. 15, April 19, 1929

“Rev. Charles E. Bronson, D.D. A Well Known Swarthmorean Dies after Long Illness” (1 – AD and RS) “Hedgerow to Celebrate 7th Anniversary Sunday Evening” (1 – AC) Photo: “These Beauty Spots Must Be Protected” with caption “Shaded walks such as these can be encouraged and protected by cooperation with the Regional Planning Federation” (1 … Continue reading Vol. I, no. 15, April 19, 1929

Vol. I, No. 14, April 12, 1929

“Friends in Chester. The Pennsylvania Military College Merits Recognition in Its Field; Its Proximity Is Another Advantage to Swarthmore” by The Editor (1 & 10 – ED, SL, and SS) – Sharples recommended incorporating the property of the P.M.C. into the borough, and extolled the teaching, comparing it to the college’s Honors Courses. He also … Continue reading Vol. I, No. 14, April 12, 1929