“Librarian Appointed for New Library; New Members Sought. List of Members of Public Library Published; Books Now Being Catalogued. Merger Completed with Children’s Library Plan” (1 & 8 – BB and CO) – “Miss Grace Lindale of Wilmington Delaware will serve as the first librarian in the Swarthmore Free Public Library.” With some 1,100 members who paid $2.00 each, help from volunteers, and ongoing book donations, the library was up and running in Borough Hall. It was also to be consolidated with the Children’s Library, “free to all children of the borough whose parents are members of the Public Library association.”
“Blaze Destroy’s [sic] Old Stone Saw Mill” (1 – FE) – Located near Crum Creek by the Sproul Viaduct, the mill “was the first building ever erected for the sawing of stone blocks. It was build 150 years ago by Thomas Leiper”.
“Dr. and Mrs. Speakman Entertained in Florida” (1 – SN)
“Fire Assn. Seeks More Members. Head of Membership Committee Asks New Residents to Join. Seek 100 Pct Enrollment” (1 & 4 – CO and FE) The Swarthmorean introduced and printed a letter from Dr. John B. Roxby, chairman of the membership committee” of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association, in which he solicited volunteers.
“Musical Programs at Churches and the Inn on Easter Day” (1 – AC and RS) – programs for the Presbyterian Church, Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, and the Methodist Church, along with a listing for Passion Week Services.
“Dr. Robinson Injured When Thrown by Horse” (1 – AD, AP, and SN) – Returning by horse to Cedar Lane from the blacksmith while leading another horse, “the two year old [horse] balked at crossing the creek near the paper mills” and Dr. Robinson “was thrown from the saddle by the other horse’s pull on the lead-line.” Although he did not remember the accident, his injury “appeared to be nothing more than a small deep cut caused by a stunning blow.”
“Players’ Club Members to See Peg O’ My Heart” (1 – AC and CO) – Production was by the Barnstormers of Ridley Park
“Republican Women Plan Bridge Tournament” (1 – WO)
“World Friendship Service Held Sunday Evening” (1 – AC, CO, DC, and QS)
“Women Hear of Child Welfare. Welfare Workers and Court Representatives Discuss Children. Describe Sleighton Farm” (1 – CE, JD, and WO) – The Swarthmore League of Women Voters engaged in “A Study of Child Delinquency in Delaware County.” Mrs. Herbert Fraser expressed the home that, as the community assumes responsibilities as parents and citizens, it “should also realize fully the subtle contagion of moral delinquency in our neighborhood.” Two women reported on their impressions of Juvenile Court in Media. “Mrs. Verplanck and Miss Knight brought back from Sleighton Farm a vivid picture of its well kept and attractively appointed cottage homes, swept and cleaned to shining neatness by the girls, who also do the cooking and baking for the settlement.”
“Swarthmore Man Wins Case in Dela. Courts” (1 – DC) – Harry A. Piper was awarded $20,531.94 from the W.A. Gibbs and Son animal trap manufacturers of Chester.
“Women’s Club Chorus” (1 – AC and WO) – all were invited to a concert and dance
“McCabe Quits Boro Council; Channell Named Successor. Pressure of Business Affairs Is Reason Given; Report Made on Swarthmore Avenue Parapet. Fire Department Men Ask for More Hose” (1 – BB and FE) – Thomas B. McCabe, president of Scott Paper Company in Chester, who was a Borough Council member (due to serve until 1932), chairman of the Sewer committee, and member of the Highway committee, resigned due to the “pressure of business affairs”, and was replaced by Ralph F. Channell of 504 North Chester Road. Louis Cole Emmons on Swarthmore Avenue requested that the borough pay to remove a concrete parapet in front of his property. The borough did not consider it their responsibility, but they appointed a public safety committee to figure out the cost. With regard to the Swarthmore Business and Civic association’s request to clarify the cost of paving Swarthmore Avenue, the council planned to “make an exhaustive report” by April 18. Not only did the fire department need more hose, it needed to widen the firehouse doors because “there is a danger of the men being knocked from the engines as the trucks leave the building.”
“Easter Musical at Strath Haven Sunday” (1 – AC)
“Japanese Women at Whittier House Today” (1 – EA and IR) – Miss Shizu Yoshima, who was “training at a New York school for social service,” was due to speak about “her work in New York and of the settlement work in Tokio [sic], to which she is returning next September.”
“Social and Personal” (2 – SL)
“Woman’s Club” (2 – WO) – card party fund-raiser to buy a steam table for the Woman’s Clubhouse kitchen
“Mary Lyon Girls in Comic Opera. Delight Large Audience with Production of ‘Pirates of Penzance’. Girls Make Scenery” (3 – AC) – The production “proved even to scoffing male minds that school girls could be as swashbuckling as any rovers that ever sailed the seas.”
“News Notes” (3 – SL)
“Letters to the Editor” (4 – RS, RR, and SL) – S. E. Simmonds praised the “unseen and unnoticed influences [that] are more powerful for good and more uplifting to the life of a community than the well known activities which are in frequent evidence.” These included the college, the Woman’s Club, the Player’s [sic] Club, the churches, and in particular, the Wesley A.M.E. Church, “an influence for truth and righteousness, scarcely known, hardly noticed, struggling bravely forward and needing our help.”
“Periwig Play ‘Second Childhood’ Big Success” by Mark Wilcox, Jr. (4 – SC) Included among the laudatory remarks was how “Horace Patterson played the part of the heroine in a manner which showed that he was accustomed to take a feminine part.” Also, “Jack Nicholas was a good a Spanish girl as could have been found anywhere.”
“‘Simba’ Feature Picture at Media Theatre” (4 – AC and IR) – These were “Mr. And Mrs. Martin Johnson’s travels through the African Jungles.”
“Church News” (4 – AF, CW, IR, and RS) – Included among the list of activities for Easter Sunday at the Presbyterian Church was “Money for Africa.”
“Gillespie Tract Scene of Activity. New Houses Going Up on South Chester Road Development. Will Lay Sidewalks” (5 – BB and RE) – One new house, “built entirely of stone,” was at the corner of Strath Haven Avenue and South Chester Road; the other was at the northeast corner of Cornell Avenue and Strath Haven Avenue. A new street parallel to University Place called Academy Road was in the offing from South Chester Road to Cornell Avenue with 14 new lots. The sidewalks were to be on the east side of Chester Road between Westdale and Strath Haven. The developer here was George Gillespie.
“Thayer Announces Sale of Houses” (5 – RE) “Social and Personal” (5 – SL)
Ad: “The Simple Life in Summer” (5 – BA, BR, QA, and RE) – The ad described “Properly restricted” waterfront and woodland lots in Cecil County, Maryland as offered by Hance’s Point Company.
“Classified” (6) “News Notes” (6 – SL)
“Strath Haven Inn Notes” (6 – SL) “Sheriff Sales” (6 – RE)
Ad: “Hannum & Waite” (6 – BS and QA) – After the “Boy Friend” remarks, ‘Goodyears – at last!” the flapper Girl Friend responds, “You’re a dear – now you can give ME some of the attention you’ve been giving the tires.”
“Emmons to Build Homes This Spring. Announces Establishment of Complete Real Estate Brokerage Service. Lapedia Hills Progresses” (7 – RE) – Charles Andes, the new sales manager for Louis Cole Emmons, was to “supervise the sales work at Riverview Estates and at Lapidea Hills.”
“Roosevelt, Maron-Built, Now Ready” (7 – CV) – new car “Girl Scout News” (7 – KO)
“Men’s Association to Meet” (7 – MO)