“Chautauqua Opens Next Tuesday – College Commencement News – Tennis Club Opens Season – Public Playground Movement Grows” (1 – BB, SC, SS, and SU) – headline

“Dr. Chao Chu Wu Replaces Tellez at Chautauqua” (1 – AC, EA, and IR) – Don Manuel Tellez bowed out “because of the pressure of official business”, to be replaced by Wu, “Chinese Minister to the United States,” who was “the son of the noted Wu Tingfang, Chinese Ambassador twenty-five years ago, whose oriental philosophy and modern ideas made him a social lion and much sought platform speaker.” Wu graduated from high school in Atlantic City, from college in London, and served as Mayor of Canton under Sun Yat-Sen. “He is a conservative; is opposed to the Soviet methods in China, and also opposed to the incursions of the Japanese into Manchuria.”

Photo: “Auditorium of the Swarthmore High School where the Annual Commencement Exercises will be held next week” (1 – CE)

“High School Commencement. Large Class to Be Graduated at Exercises in Auditorium. Thirty Fifth Year Ends” (1 & 12 – CE and LP) – program and list of graduates

“Last Story Hour for Children Today” (1 – CE)

“Beginners’ Class to Hold Party” (1 – RS) – related to Sunday School

“One Neighbors [sic] Impression of the Station Square Services by A Neighbor” (1 – BB, CE, and VM) – The author praised Swarthmore’s Memorial Day services, particularly for the positive message they sent to the “plastic minds” of local children. The children’s [health and wholesomeness were manifest. They revealed to this writer that Swarthmore is a children’s town; a happy home for the best type of boys and girls.”

“Tennis Club Seeks Members. Lose First Match of Year – to Use Five Courts at College. Home Matches Soon” (1 & 12 – SS) – annual memberships cost $7.50 for men, $5.00 for women and children.

“Meeting Called to Discuss Removal of Grade Crossing. County and Borough Authorities to Meet with R. R. and State Men. Seek Speedy Solution” (1 – BB, CV, and DC)

“Swarthmore Women Entertained at Gardens” (1 – CO and GN) – luncheon in Paoli hosted by the American Horticultural Society and followed by garden visits

“Legion Medals Given Hi School Pupils” (1 – CE and VM) – to high school students Frank Williams and Elizabeth Main

“June Festival at Presbyterian Church” (1 – RS) “Social and Personal” (2 – SL)

“The Luncheon Club Idea Grows” (2 – MO) – “The suggestion that a weekly luncheon club for the men of Swarthmore be organized has met with general approval during the past week. The concensus [sic] of opinion seems to be in favor of starting such a club and then later turning it into a Kiwanis or Rotary Club, if that seems suitable.”

“Children Respond to Request for Flowers” (2 – CW and GN) – Daisy donations were “distributed to the Mercy Hospital and the Calvary Neighborhood House.”

“Decide on Playground at Meeting Next Week” (3 – CE and CO) – A meeting between School Board members and a committee from the Home and School Association was scheduled for the following week. The playground questionnaires were answered by 113 families, with 94 in favor of a playground and 19 opposed.

“Display of Posters at Public Library” (3 – AC, GN, and WO) – on display were foreign travel posters for which children were to vote on the “most beautiful.” The Garden Committee of the Woman’s Club sent flowers to the Library.

“Garden Committee Thanked for Flowers” (3 – GN and WO) – by Southwark Neighborhood House

“Mrs. Hoover Tells the President about Chief of Police Rogeri” (3 – PO and SC) – Mrs. Herbert Hoover received an honorary degree from Swarthmore College, staying overnight with her friend Mrs. Joseph Swain, whose late husband taught Herbert Hoover at Leland Stanford. At a tea in her honor at the home of “President and Mrs. Aydelotte,” the chief of police met her and, as he said he ‘was so excited that I forgot I was in America and when Mrs. Hoover offered me her hand I kissed it. I didn’t know I was going to do it but just on the impulse I couldn’t help myself.’ According to Mrs. Swain at a White House breakfast (as related to The Swarthmorean by Burgess Thayer), Mrs. Hoover told her husband, “Chief Rogeri handled himself with exceptional correctness in deportment and was the best officer she had met on her trip.”

“Elect New Team Leaders at College” (3 – SC and SS)

“Thanking Mr Emmons” (4 – BB, ED, and JD) – The Swarthmorean expressed its appreciation to Louis Cole Emmons for “building his lovely swimming pool and opening it to the public.” But because “certain users of the pool have conducted themselves unbecomingly and have given little evidence of their appreciation of Mr. Emmon’s [sic] generosity”, rumors were afloat that he would not open it up to the public this year. The newspaper expressed its hopes that he would “reconsider”.

“Park Avenue Parking” (4 – BB, CV, and ED) – how Chief Rogeri and the police needed to mark parking spaces along Park Avenue between Dartmouth and Chester Road

“A Word to the Wise” (4 – EA, ED, IR, and SL) – “Swarthmore’s sense of solidarity and of social responsibility will have opportunity for expression on Thursday, June 13, when the official representative of the largest and oldest nation on earth will be our guest”, i.e., the “Honorable C. C. Wu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the United States”.


(4 – AD and RS) – tribute to the late Mrs. Dayton W. Hulburt from Burton Alva Konkle. “It is ridiculous to hear the ignorant learned talk of the decay of religion when one has known people like Mr. and Mrs. Hulburt.”

“Church News” (4 – RS)

“Borough of Swarthmore Annual Report for 1928” (5 & 6 – BB)

“Ground Broken for Auditorium” (7 – SC) – Isaac H. Clothier Memorial Auditorium would be on the present site of the Sproul Observatory, with the Observatory being moved “to the triangle of the athletic field, now occupied by the water tower.”

“Valentine to Be New Swarthmore Dean” (7 – SC and SN) – With Dr. Detlev W. Bronk resigning the deanship “to become director of the newly established Johnson Foundation for Research in Medical Physics at the University of Pennsylvania and Johnson Professor of Bio-Physics in the medical school of the university”, President Aydelotte appointed as dean of men Alan Valentine, assistant professor of English.

“Sunday School Picnic June 19” (7 – RS) – at Chester Park

“Women Voters to Study Legislation” (8 – DC and WO) – summer classes of the Delaware County League of Women Voters on “What a member of the League of Women Voters should know in 1929 about Maternity-Infancy Legislation”

“Mrs. Ashton’s Pupils in Final Recital” (8 – AC and CE)

“Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Hayes Coming Here to Speak” (8 – AE, EA, and IR) – The Presbyterian Church was welcoming the couple, whose work it had “entirely supported”. Dr. Hayes was President of the Theological Seminary in Tenghsien, Shantung, China, and his “field has been in the center of the war which has been raging in China but the property of the school has, fortunately, not been disturbed although the work has been suspended during the most acute stage of hostilities.”

Inset: “Report of the Auditors of the Borough of Swarthmore, PA., for the Year Ending December 31, 1928” (8 – BB)

“Local Girl Receives Honors at Oberlin” (9 – SN) – Miss Elinor Moore of 221 Park Avenue, a junior at Oberlin, received a scholarship.

“Plans to Increase Red Cross Membership” (9 – CW and PH)

“Mrs. Elizabeth Hutter Hulbert” (9 – AD and RS)

“Girl Scout Notes” (9 – KO)

“Boy Scout Notes” (9 – KO)

“Annual Field Day at Swarthmore High” (9 – CE)

“Classified” (10)

“Sheriff Sales” (10 – RE)

“Complete Report on ‘Our Town’. Detailed Accounts of the Speeches Made at League Meeting. Some Interesting Data” (10 & 11 – WO)

“Endowment Fund Tops Two Million. Commencement Made Gala Event by Announcement of Successful Drive. New Funds Established” (12 – SC)

“New Plays Coming to Hedgerow Theatre” (12 – AC)

Ad for Strath Haven Inn, The Inn with Personality: “Entertain in This Unmatched Setting – As a place for a hostess to hold a luncheon bridge, the Inn holds all the good cards…” (12 – QA)


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