“Will Discuss Grade Crossings Tonight – Last Day Chautauqua – Baseball Team Schedules Opener – Playground Meeting Tonight” (1 – AC, BB, C, and SS) – headline
“Chautauqua to Close with Play at Tent Tonight. Minister Wu Pleases Large Audience at Thursday Night Program. Proceeds to Library” (1 – AC and BB) – “Skidding,” the play whose ticket sales were slated for the Public Library, “is a good wholesome drama which parents may bring their children to see, and yet it provides real drama and humor for the older folks.”51
“W. C. T. U. to Meet Tuesday Afternoon” (1 – LQ and WO)
Photos: “Officers of High School Graduating Class” with captions below four head shots of Robert Feakins, President; Marguerite Michener, Vice-President; Kathryn Simpers, Secretary; and William Mason, Vice-President (1 – CE)
“Diplomas for 47 at High School. Rev. Milton Nichols Addressed Graduates at Final Exercises. Two Awards Are Made” (1 & 10 – CE) – The text of this article noted that 45 students received diplomas.
Photo: “Swarthmore High School Student Association” with caption listing names (1 – CE)
“Playground to Be Settled Tonight. School Board to Meet with Members of H. and S. Committee. Seek Committee of Ten” (1 & 10 – BB and CO)
“Latest Developments at Swarthmore Ave. and the Railroad” (1 – BB and CV)
“Council Receives Crossing Protests. Petition for Annexation of Tract along Yale Avenue Received. Secretary Is Named” (1 & 10 – BB and RE)
“Grade Crossing to Be Discussed at Meeting Tonight. Railroad and Public Service Officials Meet with Local Men. Will Study Plan” (1 – BB and CV)
“Summer Session of Public Schools” (1 – CE)
“Miss Mildred Spencer’s Pupils in Recital” (1 – AC and CE) – “Tea and a social hour followed the musical numbers, all of which were exceedingly entertaining.”
“Social and Personal” (2 – SL) “News Notes” (3 – SL)
“Tesky-Fairbanks” (3 – SL) – marriage between Elsie Tesky of Swarthmore and Charles M. Fairbanks of Swarthmore
“‘The Prisoner’ to Be Hedgerow Show” (3 – AC and RR) – “This intense drama of Siberia in 1917” by Emil Bernhardi with Alexander Berkman’s translation was to have one performance only. The article also mentioned the “almost phenomenal success of Mr. [Jasper] Deeter’s new choice for the role of Brutus Jones [in Eugene O’Neill’s “The Emperor Jones”], in the person of Wayland Rudd”.52
“Truths for All” (4 – ED, RS, and SC) – on the “inspiring” Baccalaureate Sermon at Swarthmore College commencement by Dr. Joseph Fort Newton of the Memorial Church of St. Paul in Overbrook. The article reprinted the speech, which characterized science as revealing “the reign of law as the organized will of God”. It decried “moral cynicism and spiritual defeatism of any sort, especially the sort exhibited by our younger intelligentia [sic]. Their “poems, stories, essays and drama . . . as interpretations of life . . . are a failure and a foolishness. Short gray sentences, clouded by confusion, heavy with mockery, celebrate death, dirt and despair – a dirge sung by old young men, ridiculously sad, sex-opressed [sic], spiritually bankrupt, with no moral standards, no courage, no hope.” He expressed the hope “for creative spiritual adventure to come from our centres of culture, as the mighty movements led by Wycliffe, Wesley and Newman came from the mother-bosom of Oxford.”
“Mrs. George Zimmer to Head Girl Scouts” (4 – KO)
“G. O. P. Women to Hold Luncheon” (4 – DC, PO, and WO) – at the Corinthian Yacht Club in Essington
“Church News” (4 – RS)
(5 – BB, CV, and RS) – letter from S.E. Simmonds on how Swarthmore needed a playground and to eliminate grade crossings. “The obligation we have to the present generation of young people is heavier than ahs ever been faced by any generation before ours.” The letter closed with: “Let us clear our eyes of the mist of material things, and our hearts of the love of money and meanness and selfishness, and show ourselves worthy of the duties God gives us to do.”
“Electric Co. Building New Lansdowne Office” (5 – DC)
“Muriela Cianci in Concert at Chester” (6 – AC and SN)
“Military Commencement at P. M. C. Tuesday (6 – CE and VM) – 108th commencement at which “[b]attle squadrons will invade the air above P. M. C.’s campus from [numerous] army stations . . . While the planes are battling aloft, P. M. C.’s cadet battalion will be staging a land battle with three-inch guns, machine guns, hand grenades and smoke screens.”
“Christian Science Churches” (6 – RS)
“Detour Bulletin Available at Office” (6 – MI) – on conditions of Pennsylvania’s highways
“Large Class Graduated with Honors from Prep School” (6 – CE) – 36 graduating students
“Swarthmore Woman Admitted to Bar” (6 – SN) – Mrs. Catherine Gayle Hodge graduated from George Washington University with her husband in 1924 and was admitted to the D.C. Bar, but she gave “up her practice at the time she married Mr. Hodge.” President Judge W. Roger Fronefield just admitted her to the Bar in Pennsylvania.
“News Notes” (7, 8, & 9 – HA, IR, and SL) – On page eight there were two humorous additions, one on how some Pacific Islands “fish is still used as currency. It must be rather a nuisance using a pay phone.” The other noted how more than 13,000 “new laws were passed in the United States last year. Presumably to replace the broken ones.” The News Notes on page nine ended with three funny items, including, “Iceless refrigerators, however, cannot be considered a completely satisfactory substitute for ice-man until they develop sex-appeal.”
“Classified” (8)
“Sheriff Sales” (8 – RE)
“The Villages” by Martha Marshall Clark, Hanover, N. H. (8 – AC) – “This poem sent in and publication requested by a resident of Swarthmore.”
“President Aydelotte Tells of Ideals of Swarthmore College” (8 – SC)
“College Faculty Will Travel This Summer” (8 – SC and SN) – The Aydelottes were sailing abroad to attend the opening of Rhodes House at Oxford University, and then “travel in England and on the continent.” Other faculty members were also named with regard to their summer travel plans.
“Many Attend Reception for Dr. and Mrs. Hayes” (9 – IR and RS)
“Large Group Inspects James Irvine Gardens” (9 – GN) – on Riverview Road “Presbyterians Hold Sunday School Picnic” (9 – RS)
“Emmons Pool to Open This Afternoon” (9 – BB) – open to Swarthmore residents and their guests at specific times and days
“Local Nine to Open Season with Game Next Tuesday” (9 – SS) – baseball
“Travel Posters on Display at Library” (10 – AC and BB) – Posters – “really works of art” – from steamship companies in Europe were on display, thanks to the work of Miss Grace Lindale, the librarian.
“Flowers Gratefully Received in Phila.” (10 – CW, GN, and WO)
“Wins Fellowship” (10 – SC and SN) – Elizabeth Doris Hermann (’27) won a Joshua Lipincott Fellowship from Swarthmore College and a Bennett Fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania for graduate work at the latter.
51 This play, written by Aurania Rouverol, ran for from May 1928 through July 1929 on Broadway and was the inspiration for Hollywood’s Andy Hardy series.
52 I was unable to find anything on the play or playwright, but I presume that the translator was the well-known anarchist companion of Emma Goldman who spent 14 years in prison for his attempt to assassinate Henry Clay Frick. Wayland Rudd (1900-1952), an African-American actor, emigrated to the Soviet Union in the 1930s “hoping to find a tolerant social climate; there he had a stage and film career until his death”. From Holland Cotter, “The Wayland Rudd Collection,” The New York Times (February 6, 2014) (accessed August 2020).