“How to Direct a Play. John Dolman, Jr., of Swarthmore, and Active in the Players’ Club, Writes a Book Which Should Be of Interest” by J. J. Gould (1 & 8 – AC, CO, and SN) – Glowing review of John Dolman, Jr., The Art of Play Production, that faulted it only for the way it identifies Mr. Doleman as affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania’s English Department, “rather than with the Borough of Swarthmore.”
Illustration: “A Typical Swarthmore Home” with caption “Drawing of one of Swarthmore’s attractive stone houses on Harvard avenue. Landscaping such is [sic] seen around this home will increase the beauty of Swarthmore appreciably” (1 – RE)
“‘Tommy’ Presented by Players’ Club. March Production Pleases Large Audience Every Evening. Robert Graham Director” (1 – AC and CO)
“Calendar” (1 – SL)
“To Discuss Local School Problems. Meeting of Home and School Assn. on Monday Should Be Interesting. Will Hear of Conference” (1 & 8 – CE and CO)
“New Ideas in Education. Dr. Arthur W. Ferguson Brings Back to Swarthmore a Brief Resume of Some of the Discussions at the National Education Assn. Conference” by Dr. Arthur W. Ferguson, Supt. of Schools (1 & 8, CE) – Dr. Ferguson reported on the proceedings of the annual meeting of the Department of Superintendents of the National Education Association that was held in Cleveland from February 22-28.
Some issues included “character training,” “conduct training,” and the high costs of public education.
“My Auto” by E. C. Walton (1 – CV and LP) – This poem about his 1929 automobile began with an introduction about E. C. Walton’s recent “return from Florida where he enjoyed some excellent fishing.”
“Social and Personal” (2 – SL)
“Many Local Folk at Inauguration. Some Swarthmoreans Are Honored Guests at Ceremony on Monday. High School Listens in” (3 – PO and SN) – on the numerous Swarthmore residents who went to Washington for the inauguration of Herbert Hoover as president. “Mrs Joseph [Swain] of Strath Haven Inn. . . was the guest of President and Mrs. Hoover at luncheon at the White House. The late Dr. Joseph Swain was one of President Hoover’s instructors at Leland Stanford.” Also a “guest of honor . . . was Mrs. Frederick H. Paste, formerly of Riverview avenue. Mrs. Paste is a sister of Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur who has been appointed to the Hoover Cabinet, and of Curtin Wilbur, who was secretary of the Navy under the Coolidge administration.”
“Births” (3 – SL)
“Social and Personal” (3 – SL)
“Books Reviewed at Woman’s Club. Members Hear Story of Life of Susan B. Anthony Delightfully Reviewed. Meeting Well Attended” (3 – WO) – This article mentioned some high points of Anthony’s life, as related by Mrs. George L. McCracken from the book The Life of Susan B. Anthony by Rheta Childe Door.
“Fortnightly to Meet on Monday Afternoon” (3 – WO) – Mrs. Roland Eaton planned to read Phillpotts’s “Devonshire Cream” about “the farmer folk of Devonshire”.
“Library Story Hour at Clubhouse Tuesday” (3 – CE and WO)
“Exhibition of Pastels” (3 – AC) – Florence Tricker’s pastels were on display at the Dew Drop Inn on Dartmouth Avenue.
“Children’s Aid Reports Service during 5th Year” (4 – CW and DC) – According to its chairman, Mrs. William Shewell Ellis of Moylan, the Delaware County Branch of the Pennsylvania Children’s Aid Society “is at present caring for 71 Delaware County children who have no homes of their own.”
“Christian Science Churches” (4 – RS) “Eli Leach” (4 – AD)
“Flower Show Opens Monday in Phila.” (4 – PN) “Church News” (4 – RS)
“Haverford Five Defeats Garnet. Annual Meet Proves Anti-Climax – Victors Win Easily, 27-19” (5 – SS)
“College Chorus to Give New Program” (5 – AC, IR, and SC) – Dr. Swan translated the Rimsky-Korsakow opera “Sadko” for an April 5th performance. “The performance is particularly worthy of note since, with the exception of Swarthmore college, no part of ‘Sadko’ has ever been presented outside of Russia.”
Photo: “In Training” with caption “John Ogden athletic director of the Swarthmore Prep School, who has gone South to join the St. Louis Browns” (5 – SN)
“Swarthmore Prep Loses to Princeton” (5 – SS) – basketball loss
“Heads Brown Wrestlers” (5 – SN) – “Chester H. Owrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Owrey, 300 Yale avenue, has been elected captain of the Freshman wrestling team at Brown University, Providence, R. I. Young Owrey is undefeated this year.”
Ad for Chesterfield cigarettes: “Ever sigh for a little real action?” (5 – BH and QA) – Drawing of what looks like a gunfight outside a Western saloon and one cigarette- smoking gunslinger who’s around the corner from the action and talking to three other men. A story accompanies the drawing that has him remarking how he cannot “go back where he came from. ‘I cain’t,’ the stranger drawled. ‘That place is so all- fired hard, they kicked all us sissies out’! A clear case of relativity. If you’ve smoked merely mild cigarettes all your life, you can’t imagine how much you’d cotton to a cigarette that’s mild and something more! We refer, as you guess, to Chesterfield.”
“Swarthmore High School Five Provides Thrills at Tournament” (5 – SS) – Basketball win
“Keystone Auto Club Warns of Solicitors” (5 – CV and SX) – on the “annual ‘gouge’ of Pennsylvania and New Jersey motorists” by ‘Magistrates’ and ‘Constables’ who solicit “contributions from car owners, in the form of cash for advertisements in ‘year books’ and other periodicals.”
“Women’s Assn. Hears Africa Lecture Friday” (6 – BR, IR, RR, and WO) – Introducing a March 8th talk on “New Africa” by Mrs. James Duguid from New York, the article explained: “Although containing some of the oldest civilization [Africa] is still an unknown country.” A four-question list pondered racial issues, e.g., “When a backward race occupies territory that the world needs, has it any just claims against those who can develop it better?”
“Sheriff Sales” (6 – RE)
“Borough Winner in Zoning Suit. Decision Favorable to Swarthmore Ordered in Case of Joseph Celia. To Argue Case Again” (7 – BB and SE) – Joseph Celia of Swarthmore was denied a building permit to expand his shoe repair shop and Conway’s Market House “out to the street.” His attorney will argue the case again at a later time.
“Scout Notes” (7 – KO) “Girl Scout Notes” (7 – KO)
“Fiddler’s Program at Mary Lyon School” (7 – AC and WO) “‘Twelfth Night’ to be Senior-Junior Play” (8 – AC and CE)
“Woman’s Club Notes” (8 – WO) – Beatrice Forbes Roberston Hale was scheduled to speak on “The Art of Conversation.”