“Who Shall Be Assessor? A New Bill Before the Legislature Provides for the Appointment of a County Board of Assessors Instead of by Election. An Analysis of the New Bill Which Is of Importance to the People of Swarthmore” (1 – DC and RE)
Photo: “A Swarthmore Scene of Beauty” with caption “Along Crum Creek behind Swarthmore College is some of the loveliest scenery around Philadelphia. It is here that the college proposes to establish an arboretum.” (1 – GN and SC)
“No Action Taken on Borough Hall. Council Will Wait to See What Other Expenses Must Be Met. Discuss Clean-Up Ord.” (1 & 8 – BB) – “Without exception the members of council were agreed that something should be done to improve the appearance and the interior arrangement of the borough building, but they also felt that the most important item on the program at the present time was the removal of the grade crossing at Chester road.”
“Calendar” (1 – SL)
“$7500 Prize Won by Local Woman. Award Given by McClure’s Magazine for Writing Mystery Story. To Be Published Soon” (1 & 8 – SN) – McKelvey Briggs, a Swarthmore College alumna who lived on Dickenson Avenue and whose real name was Isabelle Briggs Myers, won two prizes amounting to $7,500 for McClure’s detective-mystery story contest. “No longer is Mrs. Myers the wife of Clarence G. Myers, Philadelphia attorney and assistant borough solicitor Clarence G. Myers, but rather Mr. Myers now rates as husband of famed mystery-story writer, Isabelle Briggs.”
“Planting New Beauty. The Botany Department of Swarthmore College Is Laying Out and Planting a More Beautiful Campus. An Interview with Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, Who
Wants Swarthmore to Have the Most Beautiful Campus in America” (1 & 8 – GN and SC) – “Part of this work is apparent to everyone in the planting of small pine trees, fur [sic] trees, and shrubs along the North Chester road boundaries of Cunningham field which lies just north of the railroad between Chester road and the High School property.” Palmer’s “greatest ambition is for an arboretum along the banks of Crum Creek behind the college and continuing south of the railroad tressel [sic].”
“Social and Personal” (2 & 3 – RR and SL) – Among the items was how “a Negro quartet from Lincoln University sang at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The melody and pathos of their singing was appreciated by the large audience.”
Inset: “Basketball Tonight” (3 – SC and SS) – Swarthmore and Haverford were playing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Palestra.
“Strath Haven Notes” (3 – SL)
“Women’s Club Notes for Coming Week” (3 – WO) – Mrs. George L. McCracken was set to review The Life of Susan B. Anthony by Rheta Childe Dorr.
Ad from John Patterson of the Swarthmore Radio Shop at 14 Park Avenue (3 – QA) – “Hear the Inauguration Next Tuesday! Let us put a Radio in your home for a demonstration so that you can hear this great event.”
“Borough Hall Improvement” (4 – BB and ED) – “There seems to be an appalling lack of interest in the proposal to beautify Borough hall.” This editorial went on to express some hope that “the public library project will be the means of awakening people to a realization of how poorly arranged and how shabby the Borough building really is.”
“Swarthmore Boy Cast in New York Play” (4 – AC and SN) – Ted Fetter had a part in a New School for Social Research production of “Uneasy Street” by Alfred Kreymborg.
“Library Drive Nets More Than $1000. Call for Books Now Urgent – Memberships Still Being Solicited. Seek Librarian Now” (4 – BB)
“Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Knap” (4 – AD) “Christian Science Churches” (4 – RS) “Church News” (4 – RS)
“Swarthmore Man Opposes New Act. Dr. Louis N. Robinson Comments on Fourth Offenders’ Act as Too Drastic. Favors Parole System” (5 – CJ and SN) – Swarthmore resident and chairman of the Pennsylvania Committee on Penal Affairs Louis Robinson argued that ‘Punishment for second and third offenders under the provisions of the Fourth Offenders’ Act is too drastic and unnecessary.’
Photo courtesy of Philadelphia Public Ledger: “Prison Reform Leader” with caption “Louis N. Robinson, widely known authority on prison reform and penal affairs.” (5 – CJ and SN)
“New Worker for Sabbath School Assn.” (5 – CE) – Miss Adella Sterrett was replacing Miss Letitia Brown as associate superintendent of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School association.
“Mrs. Roland Ullman at Library Story Hour” (5 – CE and WO)
“Exposition Being Held in Chester. Opportunity Offered to See Products Made and Sold in Delaware County. Local Men Exhibit” (6 – DC)
“Thermolater Is Popular Booth” (6 – DC and SE) – The H. B. Green exhibit at the Greater Chester Exposition featured “one of the outstanding developments in automatic heat control.”
“Electric Furnace Attracts Many” (6 – DC)
Ad: “To-Day – See the famous THERMOLATOR that everyone in Swarthmore has been hearing about. See it in action at the Greater Chester Exposition in the Chester Armory. You can have your home easily and thoroughly heated by using Buckwheat Coal without changing your grates. See it to-day or Saturday at Booth 109, Chester Exposition. Howard B. Green, Swarthmore, PA” (6 – QA and SE)
“Chinese Student to Speak Here. Head of Chinese Library to Give Three Lectures at College” (6 – EA, IR, and SC)8
“Swarthmore Favored to Defeat Haverford at Palestra Friday” (6 – SC and SS)
“League of Voters Hear Mrs. Carson. Secretary of State Organization Tells of Lobbying Work at Washington. Says Women Can Help” (7 – PO and WO) – Carson told attendees “that they have an appreciable influence at Harrisburg and Washington and if they only exerted this influence in a united way the passage of bills which the League of Women Voters endorse will be facilitated.” In particular, she wanted to see the Newton Bill replace the Shepherd-Towner Act.
“S. P. C. A. Explains Work and Purpose” (7 – AP, CO, and DC) – “The society catches dogs only at the request of the local authorities, whose custom is to take up all stray animals, licensed or unlicensed. Dogs, like children must be restrained from annoying their neighbors”.
“Players’ Club Program Three-Act Comedy” (7 – AC and CO) – “‘Tommy,’ the Swarthmore Players’ club selection for their March presentation is a riotous three- act comedy of American life by Howard Lindsay and Bertrand Robinson.”
“‘Old Fiddle Tunes’ at Mary Lyon Tonight” (7 – AC) “Prep School Notes” (7 – CE)
“High School Notes” (7 – CE) “Boy Scout Notes” (7 – KO)
“Meeting Next Week of Woman’s Organization” (7 – CW and WO) – A luncheon would be served after “hospital sewing”.
8 The “Chinese student” was in fact Mr. Arthur W. Hummel from the Chinese division of the Library of Congress, who lived as an American Christian missionary in China from 1914 to 1927.