“B & C. Scheduled to Discuss Local Merchants’ Needs. Growing Business District Calls for Merchants’ Department in Association. Meeting Last Night” (1 – CO and SE)
Inset: “No Charge for ‘Lost and Found’ Items” (1 – TS) – The Swarthmorean announced that it would heretofore publish descriptions of lost and found items, and asked readers to leave the latter at Bretz’s Newstand or mail them to The Swarthmorean. This week’s found item consisted of three keys in a case being held by “Arthur the Taxi Driver at the Station.”
“Player’s [sic] Club Ready with Feb. Program” (1 – AC) – In production was “Bilked,” directed by Roland G. E. Ullman.
“Police Woman for County Is Urged. Woman’s Club Speaker Tells of Growing Need for Women Police Workers. Tells of Moral Conflict” (1 & 6 – BR, DC, LQ, RR, and WO) This talk by “Lieutenant Mina Van Winkle, of the Bureau of Police women of Washington, D.C.” was sponsored by the Swarthmore League of Women Voters. “Mrs. Van Winkle” attributed the ‘present crime wave’ to the ‘social and moral revolution between the fit and the unfit.’ She called it ‘a backwash of the late war.’ The article ended with how Van Winkle closed her talk with what was clearly meant to be an amusing story. It showcased both the sense of her mission and her racism: ‘A colored woman who was arrested on a charge of drunkeness [sic] in Washington, said to the young policewoman who arrested her: “You arrest me? Well I should say not. On an occasion like ‘dis’ Ah chooses mah own policewoman ah do. Ah chooses Mrs. Rip Van Winkle.”‘
“Busy Week Ahead for Woman’s Club” (1 – WO)
Photo courtesy of Philadelphia Public Ledger of W. Findley Downs: “Engineering Head” (1 – SN)
“Swarthmore Man Will Head Firm” (1 – SN) – on W. Findley Downs’ election as president of Day and Zimmermann in Philadelphia
“Trinity Woman’s Guild Card Party Feb. 7” (1 – WO)
“Surprise in Store for Fiddler’s Program” (1 – AC)
“Home and School Program Arranged. Atlantic City Health Director to Be Speaker February Eleventh. First Meeting of Year” (1 – CE)
“Improvement of Library Rooms Nearly Complete” (1 – BB)
“Florence D. Newlin” (1 – AD) – obituary for Newlin, who lived at 211 Rutgers Avenue
“Skating Weather But Where Shall We Go Skating? Water Company Is Enforcing No Skating Rule at Springfield Dam. Say Will Make Arrests” (1 – PI and SL)
“American Legion Auxiliary to Hold Card Party” (1 – CW, VM, and WO) – Mrs. George P. Warren of 327 S. Chester Road was soliciting members among “[a]ny mother, wife, daughter, or sister of an American Legion member or ex-service man.” Part of their work involved “taking refreshments” each month “to the 450 men who are mental cases at the Gray’s Ferry Base Hospital No. 49.”
“Social and Personal” (2 & 3 – IR, QS, SL, and SU) – Among the items was one about a luncheon featuring Janet Speakman,”who was one of the workers in Russia under the Friends Relief Committee at the time of the famine.” Another described a foxhunt involving “three hundred hunt enthusiasts” hosted by the Twadells at ‘Fairacres’ in Westtown.
Photo courtesy of Lewis Studio: “Engagement Announced” with caption “Miss Ruth Isabell Bair, whose engagement to Hurst W. Hackett was recently announced” (3 – SL)
“Swarthmoreans Invited to Hear Talks on India” (3 – AE, IR, and SA) – The speakers were “Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cousins, of Adyar, India, leaders of the Theosophical Society, and of a school at Adyar.” He was giving three lectures, on ‘Oriental Ideas’ with regard to education, religion, and philosophy; she was addressing the Friends’ Meeting Adult Bible Class on ‘The Ideal of Liberation’ and ‘Indian Women.’
“Where to Skate” (4 – ED and SL) – Editorial that complained, “With all of the artificial swimming pools being built these days, it looks as though someone will have to build some artical [sic] skating ponds if the winters continue being mild and the available natural skating places continue disappearing for one reason or another.”
“John L. Patterson Takes Over Wells & Patterson” (4 – SE) “Children Hour Again Next Friday Afternoon” (4 – CE)
“Strath Haven Notes” (4 – SL)
Photo courtesy of the College Phoenix of Professor Hoadley: Caption referred to the eightieth birthday celebration of Professor Emeritus George A. Hoadly (4 – SN)
“Closing Session of Mission Study Class” (4 – RS and WO)
Inset: “Your Inspection Is Invited” (4 – RE) – invitation from Louis Cole Emmons, Owner and Builder, to three new homes on Thayer Road in the Riverview Estates
“News Notes” (4 – SL) “Church News” (4 – RS)
“Strath Haven An Inn of Beauty. Many Improvements During Past Year Transform Appearance” (5 – SL)
“Coed Swimmers Open Season Feb. 14. College Mermaids Meet N. Y. U. Girls in Tank at Local College. Five Meets Scheduled” (5 – SC)
“W.W. Mitchell Buys Gillespie Blue Star Home” (6 – CV, RE, and SL) – The fact that Mitchell, “general manager of the assembly plant of the Ford Motor Company in Chester,” bought this home along Chester Road “is another illustration of the favor which is being bestowed upon Swarthmore by men have [sic] their business elsewhere but find in this community an ideal place to live.”
“Riverview Estates Home Sold to Swarthmore Man” (6 – RE) “Births” (6 – SL)
“Announcements of Interest” (6 – TS) – All of these concerned The Swarthmorean: its welcome status as second-class mail; its “permanent headquarter” [sic] on the second floor of the Shirer Building over the drug store; its hours and phone number; how Miss Elizabeth Hardesty, a graduate of the Swarthmore High School, will staff the office three mornings a week; and a reminder about free publication regarding lost and found items.
“Asst. Attorney General to Address Women” (6 – WO) – “Mrs. T. H. O’Hara, assistant attorney general of Pennsylvania” was speaking on ‘What True Patriotism Means.’