“New Plans Made for Swarthmore Public Library. Committee Meets and Sets Week of February 11 for Membership Drive. Will Use Borough Hall” – (1 – BB)
“W. C. T. U. Tea Wednesday” (1 – LQ and WO) – In honor of the ninth anniversary of prohibition, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union held a tea from 2-5 pm on Wednesday, January 16 at 211 Park Avenue, the home of the president Mrs. George I. Van Alen. “All you women who realize the splendid results of prohibition and desire that freedom from the evils of nontemperance are especially invited.”
“Swarthmore News (1 – TS) – This front page letter to his “Dear Reader” from G. Vincent Butler reported the “discontinuance of the Swarthmore News” due to “[f]orces beyond [Butler’s] control.” He wrote that a “new newspaper, to be called, ‘The Swarthmorean’ will make its appearance this week under the able management and guidance of Robert E. Sharples, a Swarthmore graduate and resident of the borough, who founded and for several years has successfully managed the ‘Delaware County Outlook'”.
“Many Engagements Are Announced. Several Well Known Swarthmore People to Be Married Soon. Two in One Family” (1 & 6 – SL and SN)
“Reading of Poems at Woman’s Club. Angela Morgan Reads Her Own Verses at First Meeting of Year. Brief Business Session” (1 & 3 – LP and WO)
“Fortnightly to Meet” (1 – WO)
“Children’s Library Adds New Books” (1 – CE) – The Children’s Library was located on Dartmouth, and its new hours were announced as Wednesdays from 2:30-5:00 and Saturdays from 9-12 noon.
“Local Artist to Exhibit Work and Entertain” (1 – AC) – Marjorie Niekles Adams of Borough Lane.
“Concert Thursday by Somerville Forum” (1 – AC) – Performing were contralto Laura K. Gerhard and violinist Lucius L. Cole. “Swarthmore Private Schools Open Again” (1 – CE) “Girl Scout Notes” (1 – KO)
“Players’ Club Rehearsals Reported Well Under Way” (1 – AC and CO) – Roland G. E. Ullman was to direct the next month’s production.
Inset: “Leave News Items at Bretz Newstand” (1 – TS)
“Council Accepts New Streets; Asks for Sewer Survey. Few Residents Attend Public Hearing on Changes in Zoning Map. Other Zoning Problems” (1 & 6 – BB and RE)
“No Home and School Meeting in January” (1 – CE)
“An Old Landmark Goes” (2 – TS) – an “obituary” for the “Swarthmore News,” with background on its ownership
“News Notes” (2 – SL)
“Church News” (2 – RS) – Included among the churches was the Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Church on Bodine [sic] Avenue, Rev C.C. Brown, S.T.B., Pastor.
“News Notes” (3 – SL)
“Other Notes Pertaining to the Woman’s Club” (3 – WO)
Ad: “Help Wanted – Female” (3 – BR, QA, and RR) – This ad was for a “Nursemaid – White, to assist mother with small boy.” It specified that applicants should “[w]rite, giving age, nationality, exp. and wages desired.”
“Swarthmore. Community Life at Its Best. (This article was written for publication in book form. It contains valuable information about Swarthmore and is proof enough for anyone why they should live in this ideal borough. A portion of the article will be published each week for three weeks.)“1 (4 – SL)
Photo: “Residential Street in Swarthmore” with caption “View of street in the rapidly developing section of Swarthmore towards the southern limits along Chester road.” (4 – RE and SL)
“Social and Personal” (5 – SL)
“Oxford Master to Lecture Here” (5 – AE) – A.D. Lindsay, master of Balliol College, Oxford University, was to lecture on “The Conditions of Democracy.”
“Swarthmore Garage Announces Changes” (5 – CV and SE)
“News Notes” (6 – JR and SL) – Among the notes was this item: “Mrs. W. Warren Marshall, Yale and Swarthmore avenues, attended a presidents [sic] meeting given by the Philadelphia Section of the National Council for Jewish Women at the Y. H. and Y. W. H. A., Philadelphia, Wednesday afternoon. More than one hundred presidents of various women’s organization [sic] were present. A play directed by Jasper Deeter of the Hedgrow [sic] Theatre was given.”2
“Calendar” (6)
“Clara Bow Shows New Lines in Week-End Party” (6 – AC) “At the Washington Theatre Next Week” (6 – AC)
1 Italics in original
2 The third, fourth, and fifth lines were out of sequence in the newspaper column. I have fixed them here.